Case Study: How our expert Christine Bateman helped a client secure her future with Lasting Powers of Attorney. banner


Case Study: How our expert Christine Bateman helped a client secure her future with Lasting Powers of Attorney.

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A satisfied client praises Christine Bateman for her professional and friendly approach

The Instructions

Mrs. A is a widow and mother of two grown-up daughters. She wanted to make sure that, should she become incapacitated in the future, her daughters would be able to make decisions for her so that her assets and welfare would be protected. She had heard about Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPAs) but was not sure how to go about making them or what they involved.

The Solution

A friend of Mrs. A suggested that she speak to Christine Bateman at Stephen Rimmer LLP.

Christine is one of our experienced experts who specialises in LPAs and estate planning. Christine has over 15 years of experience as a legal advisor, and she has a reputation for having a warm and helpful manner and the ability to explain complex legal matters in plain English.

At their meeting Christine advised Mrs. A on the two types of LPA, the pros and cons of making LPAs and the process of making them. She answered all Mrs. As questions, guided her through the decision-making process and addressed her concerns in a friendly and professional manner.

Christine then prepared two LPAs for Mrs. A, one for Property and Financial Affairs and one for Health and Welfare based on the decisions that Mrs. A had made at their meeting. Christine sent the draft LPAs to Mrs. A for review and approval, and made any necessary amendments based on her feedback. She then arranged a follow-up meeting with Mrs. A where she witnessed and certified the signing of the LPA documents. Christine also arranged to register the LPAs with the Office of the Public Guardian.

The Result

Mrs. A was very happy with the service she received from Christine and Stephen Rimmer LLP. Mrs. A left a glowing review, saying:

"Christine Bateman was so helpful & gave me lots of advice while setting up my Power of Attorney. She was so friendly & made the whole experience very easy for me. I will certainly recommend her to my friends!"

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