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Court of Protection Solicitors in Eastbourne

If a loved one has lost the mental capacity to manage their own affairs and they do not have a Lasting Power of Attorney in place, the Court of Protection can appoint you as their deputy. This will give you the authority to deal with certain matters on their behalf, such as paying their bills and arranging their care.

Our Court of Protection solicitors in Eastbourne can make the deputyship application on your behalf as well as provide you with the support and guidance you need at what we know will be a difficult time.

We know that it may seem daunting to apply for and take on the role of deputy for someone, but our experienced deputyship solicitors will ensure that the process is clearly explained. We will make sure that we are available to answer questions and discuss any complications that may arise.

If you need help with issues relating to deputyship and the Court of Protection in Eastbourne, contact us today and we will do all we can to assist you.

How we can help with Court of Protection in Eastbourne

When a family member or other person close to you becomes unable to make their own decisions, you may feel that the time has come for you to step in and help them.

If they have not made a Lasting Power of Attorney, you will need another form of authority giving you the power to handle their affairs. A deputyship order can authorise you to deal with financial and property matters as well as healthcare issues.

We can advise you of the best course of action and apply on your behalf to have you appointed as a Court of Protection deputy.

Our team offer a full range of Court of Protection legal services, including:

  • Advice on mental capacity
  • Court of Protection deputyship applications and ongoing advice
  • One-off Court of Protection decisions
  • Statutory Wills
  • Urgent or emergency Court of Protection applications
  • Sale of jointly owned property

Why you should choose our Court of Protection solicitors in Eastbourne

Our private client department is headed by partner Andrew Morgan, who has many years of experience in dealing with vulnerable clients and their families. He and his team provide expert representation and helpful advice to families who need to take over a relative’s affairs.

Our Court of Protection team includes members of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), the leading law group for solicitors who specialise in Wills, inheritance and Court of Protection law.

We understand how taking on the role of deputy is likely to be difficult as well as emotional for those involved and we always handle matters sensitively, striving to make things easier.

Book a free 30-minute consultation with our Court of Protection solicitors in Eastbourne

We are happy to offer you a 30-minute free consultation about deputyship matters. This service comes with no expectations from us, and we will never pressure you to take additional steps unless you wish to do so.

To arrange your initial consultation, you can:

Our Court of Protection services in Eastbourne

Advice on mental capacity

When someone’s mental capacity deteriorates, it can be hard to know when to take action to assist them. We offer advice on when it might be appropriate to take on the role of Court of Protection deputy and the types of decisions you might need to make on their behalf.

It’s right to have questions from the start of the process, and we are happy to go through these with you and provide the answers you need.

Court of Protection deputyship applications and ongoing advice

When the time comes to take on the role of someone’s deputy, you will need to apply to the Court of Protection for a deputyship order.

We can deal with the application on your behalf, putting together a comprehensive request so that you are given the authority you need to help your relative. This could be in relation to property and financial affairs and/or where necessary, personal welfare.

One-off Court of Protection decisions

A deputyship order will set out the extent of the authority you have to make decisions for your relative. If you need to make a decision that is not covered by the order, you need the court’s guidance, or, there is a dispute over a decision, an application can be made to the Court of Protection for a one-off decision.

This could be an order allowing you to sell the individual’s home or stopping someone from visiting the individual who is the subject of the order.

Statutory Wills

If someone loses the ability to understand the implications of signing a Will, then they will also. By reason, no longer be mentally capable of making one. If someone dies without a Will, then their estate is passed on in accordance with the Rules of Intestacy (these are the rules that dictate who inherits if someone dies without a will).

However, the Court of Protection has the power to make a statutory Will on someone’s behalf if they can no longer do this for themselves. We routinely deal with statutory Will applications and we can discuss the process with you and put together the information needed by the court.

A statutory Will can be made if someone is without a Will but they have talked about who they would like to leave their estate to or if circumstances have changed and their existing Will needs to be replaced. For example, their beneficiary may have died, leaving the estate without an heir.

Urgent or emergency Court of Protection applications

If your relative needs immediate help, such as if urgent healthcare decisions need to be made, then we can make an emergency Court of Protection application, asking the court to quickly grant you the necessary authority.

Sale of jointly owned property

Where the sale of property is necessary, we can promptly secure the authority you’ll need and help you to avoid delays in the sales process.

Our Court of Protection fees in Eastbourne

Our service represents excellent value for money. If you would like to discuss Court of Protection fees, we would be happy to hear from you. There is a court application fee to be paid and we can give you an estimate that includes all likely charges.

Speak to our Court of Protection solicitors in Eastbourne

From our offices in Eastbourne and Hastings, our Court of Protection lawyers work with individuals and their families all across East Sussex, including in Bexhill-on-Sea, Hailsham, Polegate, Battle, Pevensey and St Leonards-on-Sea.

To arrange a free, no obligation 30-minute interview with our team, you can:

How can we help you?

Call us today on 01323 644222 to get the specialist help you need.

How can we help you?

Call us today on 01323 644222 to get the specialist help you need.